Here is everything you need to know about our pricing:
1. The more users, the smaller is price
Please note that the prices stated in our Prices section are only starting prices. It means that you may get substantial discounts if you require more than 1000 licences.
2. Platform subscription - time-limited licencing
Our platform is a cloud service and it costs us money to run and support, therefore we tend to charge yearly subscription fee on a per user basis. You may opt to subscribe for less than a year.
This licence will limit a number of maximum named active users that can be had on your account at a particular time. You may have infinite number of inactive users and you may deactivate/active (that is a very simple mass-edit activity) users at any point of time.
3. E-learning content licences
Any e-learning content is sold as a bulk of e-learning access licences that are consumed by your users as they enter the e-learning course. All e-learning content licences have expiry date of 2 years, so that is the time that you have to spend them for e-learning.
4. Platform features
Some of the features on the platform will be charged additionally, for example:
- Integration services with Active directory;
- Custom phishing campaigns;
- White-lable environment, etc.
Still have questions? Do not hesitate to contact us at or via our contacts page.