



Accomplish more with our feature-rich platform
It took us many years of e-learning customer servicing and development experience to create a platform so functional, but at the same time so simple to use.
E-learning technology highlights
SCORM supported
SCORM supported
We support SCORM which is universal e-learning standard, so we can accommodate your e-learning content too.
Multimedia content ready
Multimedia content ready
E-learning can be anything - video, audio, text, pictures and any sort of mix.
Platform will deliver all content and messages to the person in a language it prefers.
Smart content versioning
Smart content versioning
Any changes to course activity content are new versions that will be applied only to new learning attempts. Breeze to make changes!
E-learning delivery management
One campaign - many courses
One campaign - many courses
In our platform students learn in a campaign, which may have any mix of e-learning content from different courses.
Custom learning certificates
Custom learning certificates
Learning certificate can be fully customized for each campaign.
Knowledge tests - before or after
Knowledge tests - before or after
Depending on your needs, you may test users before (and give exemption on pass) or after the tests. It gives a lot flexibilty!
Detailed statistics
Detailed statistics
Analyze your learning campaigns inside out with graphs and using exported structured data.
dePhish: Phishing simulation and defense
Phishing simulation as part of Cyberawarness training
Our innovative approach to phishing process ensures that phishing simulation will accompany as each user goes through Cyberawarness training.
dePhish button in Outlook
dePhish button in Outlook
Our CyberSecurity philosophy aims to involve end users in phishing detection that is enabled by ability to escalate suspicious e-mails for investigation.
Early detection of "weak links"
Early detection of "weak links"
When we talk about phishing threats, it is quite serious. Our platform makes sure that users that tend to fail on phishing, will be detected early.
Full statistics available
Full statistics available
Access and oversee all statistics with a break down to each user behavior.
User management
User mass import
User mass import
Users can be imported using a very simple MS Excel template.
User mass edit
User mass edit
Users can be easily mass edited by modifying exported user list and importing it back with changes.
Custom user filters
Custom user filters
Customer may define infinite number of special custom filters to better manage users in groups (e.g., profession, education, location etc.)
User roles
User roles
Platform distinguishes between users, learning managers and user direct manager roles.
Advanced e-mail notification system
Custom notification templates
Custom notification templates
Platform allows not only to customize the standard set of messaging templates, but also to create them custom.
Custom notification scenarios
Custom notification scenarios
Notifications can be delivered using various scheduling rules - send it now, later or make it recurring.
Dynamic address groups
Dynamic address groups
Platform allows to send messages dynamically, based on specific set of parameters that define a pool of users.
Notification anti-spam features
Notification anti-spam features
Each notification can be limited to certain number of e-mail messages to be sent per minute.
Your corporate style in our cloud
Corporate styling
Corporate styling
In a few clicks the platform can change its appearance to fit into your corporate style (color pallette, logotype).
Custom domain hosting
Custom domain hosting
Platform can be linked to your domain, so the site will appear as internal system in your domain.
Corporate e-mail server
Corporate e-mail server
Platform can be configured to send e-mail notifications through your e-mail server/account.
Single sign-on
Single sign-on
Platform can be integrated with your ADFS to perform authentication of your users.
Identity federation from your AD
Identity federation from your AD
It is also possible to take over identity of your AD users.
Web technologies
Web technologies
Built on the most modern web technologies, so its blazing fast, responsive and accessible from anywhere.
Clean corporate UI design
Clean corporate UI design
System UI is built according to latest trends in corporate UI development - it's clean, simple and straightforward.
GDPR compliant
GDPR compliant
All personal data will be safe here. And it can be completely anonymized at any point of time.